1. Previous job industry/work

    After studying education at graduate school, I joined a construction machinery manufacturer as a new graduate. After working in the human resources department for six and a half years, I was transferred to the company through an internal rotation and worked in the compliance department for two years. In the HR department, I experienced general HR operations, such as recruitment, personnel evaluation, mental health system construction, and management of overseas subsidiaries, mainly in the field of education such as rank-based training and global leader development. In the compliance department, I was mainly involved in company-wide code of conduct and education for compliance penetration.

  2. Why did you decide to join GLOBIS?

    When I turned 30 and looked back on my life as a member of society, what moved me the most was when I was working in human resources. It was the moment when I witnessed it. It was because I was convinced of the possibilities of "people x education." When I thought about my future life, I decided to change my job because I wanted to focus on education again, deepen my knowledge, and contribute to society.

    There were three specific conditions for a new job: to be able to build a career centered on education, to be a company with a view to becoming the world's No. 1 company, and to be a flexible Organization. In addition to covering all three of these points, GLOBIS also has its own research and development department, so it was very attractive to be able to build a multifaceted career, not just a consultant position GLOBIS Corporate Education.

    I thought about becoming a HR professional at a business company, but when I ask myself what I want to do in a limited amount of time, it is very attractive to exert a deep influence on one company. I decided to join GLOBIS because I wanted to exert a wide range of influence on all companies through GLOBIS.

  3. Gap felt before and after joining GLOBIS

    What surprised me after joining GLOBIS was how detailed rules and internal procedures were kept to a minimum. Before joining the company, I was aware of the company's policy of "minimizing rules based on the belief that human nature is good." Based on the phrase "Individual Discretion and Responsibility," I strongly feel that a culture of making decisions and acting on one's own, including daily work styles and how to proceed with work, has taken root. Immediately after joining the company, I was sometimes confused about how to use this freedom, but now I understand the range of my discretion and can spend my time freely.

    In addition, decision-making and internal procedures are simple and speedy, eliminating the hassle and burden of "making documents for internal approval, securing the schedule of the approver, and explaining...". It may be a casual thing, but I think it is a very important element for Organization, and I feel that it is easy to work as an employee.

  4. What is your current job?

    I work as a consultant for Organization and human resource development of GLOBIS Corporate Education sector, and currently I am in charge of manufacturers, financial companies, and advertising agencies.

    As part of my daily work, I prepare and attend training programs requested by customers. In the course, participants will check what they have learned and what they will stumble upon, communicate with the secretariat and lecturers, and consider their own challenges for the next session. After that, based on that consideration, we will think together with the customer about what is necessary in the medium to long term to realize the customer's "ideal state," and propose the next move.

    I struggle every day while enjoying both the difficulty and the fun of facing things that have no answers and no form.

  5. What I want to achieve in my future career

    After gaining experience as a consultant for several years, I would like to deepen my studies at graduate school. Based on my experience as a consultant, I would like to create a cycle in which I set challenges, analyze them from an academic perspective, formulate hypotheses, and then go back to the field and put them into practice. It is an image of working with two faces, a consultant and a researcher. Furthermore, by sharing the experience and knowledge gained through these activities within GLOBIS, I would like to expand the range of value we provide and maximize the value that I can create.

    Also, one of my dreams is to someday write a book about what I have experienced and what I have learned and share it with the world. I would like to continue contributing to the growth of people and society by writing books that will be read by people decades from now.

  6. Episodes that felt "GLOBIS-like"

    What makes GLOBIS unique to me is the high psychological safety of Organization.
    As a specific episode, when I was in charge of team engagement, I planned and implemented a team Retreat (Retreat = a place to discuss and think, etc., away from daily work). Since the fiscal year has changed and we have a new team system, at the beginning of Retreat, the team members worked to share their values. It's time to talk and listen to each other. The atmosphere was very warm, and they talked openly about things that were difficult to talk about, such as past failures and bitter experiences. Having friends who trust each other and respect each other's values is very reassuring and makes me GLOBIS.


Message for those who are thinking about job change to GLOBIS

Until I joined GLOBIS, I had gained experience in human resources, but I had zero experience in consulting or sales, so I was worried about whether I would be able to make it through. When I first joined GLOBIS, I realized that my experience in HR was extremely useful in imagining the needs and ideas of customers, and that it has become one of my strengths. Of course, there are times when I feel inadequate, but there are encouraging seniors and colleagues, and I have the opportunity to receive input and output training after joining the company. I wish I had more confidence.
Similarly, if you are interested in working at GLOBIS, but are worried about whether or not to apply because you do not have sales experience, look at your strengths rather than your weaknesses. , please apply. Let's work together to create a future where as many people as possible can live happily and smile!

See application guidelines of this member's job type and 