GLOBIS Head Quarter
GLOBIS Headquarters
Supporting and leading GLOBIS as a whole with various businesses

GLOBIS Headquarters
Responsible for all corporate functions that are essential for the entire GLOBIS company to manage the company. In addition to making management decisions based on the GLOBIS Way, we also promote efforts to deepen understanding throughout the company.About department
It is responsible for all corporate functions that are essential for the management of the entire GLOBIS company, such as human resources (recruitment, training and culture development, labor, compensation, welfare), general affairs, legal affairs, accounting, finance, and IS (system infrastructure, help desk).
What we value as a GLOBIS Headquarters is the GLOBIS WAY. Not only are various management decisions based on GLOBIS WAY, but we are also engaged in activities to deepen and disseminate GLOBIS WAY among members of the GLOBIS Group.
For example, the team involved in cultivating culture in HR is responsible for planning and managing events across the company.
Typical examples include all-staff meetings, all-staff Retreat, company trips, year-end parties, and lunch gatherings. All of these efforts are efforts to instill GLOBIS WAY and the values based on it within the company.
Medium- to long-term vision
I would like to create the world's No. 1 GLOBIS Headquarters, which is suitable for a company that realizes GLOBIS 's goal of being the world's No. 1 MBA in the Technovate era.
Thirty years have passed since our founding, and we are accelerating the establishment of domestic bases in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sendai, Yokohama, and Mito, and overseas bases in Singapore, Thailand, Shanghai, San Francisco (USA), and Belgium (EU). .
Under such circumstances, we will support the management of the company from both offensive and defensive sides.
For example, we will build and operate information systems that support cutting-edge technology, human resource system design that allows diverse colleagues to play an active role by exploding their individuality, and accounting and financial foundations that support expanding business domains.
While always premised on change, we protect what should be protected, and our Management Principles is to "build and maintain a fair and open ideal corporate system as a leader in the 21st century" and "provide a place for each person to achieve self-fulfillment." , and we will continue to take on challenges to become a company that continues to provide new value to society.
Division characteristics
We have people from different backgrounds, but we have one thing in common. While each of them demonstrates their professional expertise, everyone embodies GLOBIS WAY, which is the most important thing as a GLOBIS, as an example. And with hospitality and passion, we are fully committed to creating an environment where all staff can work comfortably.
In addition, in view of the direction of the entire company, we always hold necessary study sessions and update knowledge. Another feature is that many members acquire qualifications using the self-development system and participate in external study sessions.
In addition, we hold department-wide study sessions, reading sessions on diversity and inclusion, and opportunities to learn about AI and image recognition technologies.
Interdepartmental collaboration/
We are the back office department within the group. There is no task that can be completed by one department alone. Since we are doing all of our work for the company as a whole, we work in close cooperation with all departments on a daily basis.
For example, when it comes to hiring, instead of being led by HR alone, people involved in hiring in each department become project members and work together to proceed. We are also considering guidelines for information security together with the compliance managers of each division.