We can increase the number of "good Organization" where people can believe in their own potential.
Joining 2021 /Y.Nakashima
- Previous job industry/work
- Staffing industry/sales/sales planning

Previous job industry/work
I worked as a sales representative for a major human resources company.
Our job is to listen to the recruitment issues of companies in a variety of industries, propose and match human resources as a means to solve those issues.
A few years after joining the company, I was given a leadership role, and in addition to managing my own sales numbers, I also managed team members, monitored progress toward goals, and formulated sales strategies.
In addition to the culture of being obsessed with achieving numbers, I was able to learn how to approach work at a company that actively provides opportunities to those who raise their hands and is full of passionate people who are committed to helping people grow. I feel that our corporate culture has a lot in common with GLOBIS. -
Why did you decide to join GLOBIS?
This is because we believe that with GLOBIS, we can increase the number of "good Organization" where people feel their potential.
At my previous job, I joined the company as a new graduate, and I decided to join because I wanted to increase the number of people who enjoy working there. This is because I believe that by being involved in the crossroads of changing the working environment, I can provide an environment where people can enjoy working.
After joining the company and gaining experience, I assumed the role of a leader, and by building a good Organization that leveraged people's will and strengths, I gained the experience of creating a state in which everyone working there enjoys working there. I was able to do.
Based on this experience, I thought that creating a "good Organization" might be the closest path to increasing the number of people who enjoy working. I thought.
There, I came across GLOBIS, which provides leadership training and Organization development solutions, and became interested in it.
In the end, I decided to join the company because I was attracted to the charm of the people I met during the selection process and the idea of changing the way adult education is conducted. -
Gap felt before and after joining GLOBIS
Before joining the company, I had the impression that the company was staffed by training professionals, so I had the impression that there were many smart and stoic people.
Although some aspects are exactly as I had imagined, there were two things that surprised me in a good way after joining the company.
What surprised me the most when I first joined the company was that many of the employees were very friendly and easy to talk to. The company places great importance on cross-departmental communication within the company, so events are held regularly and the atmosphere is very conducive to talking with people from other departments.
The second thing that surprised me was that there is an environment/climate that makes it easier to balance family life than I had imagined.
While there are many people who are stoic about work and self-improvement, the company also encourages employees to prioritize their families, and the culture of covering each other's work within the team is pervasive. I am able to work while consulting on business matters. -
What is your current job?
I am in charge of corporate companies as sales and customer success for the new business GLOPLA LMS, a learning management system for corporations.
We listen to customers' business and development issues, propose solutions, and support training design.
As a new business development office, the functions of not only sales but also marketing, customer success, business development, and product development are adjacent to each other within Organization, so when making proposals, we work closely with each other within Organization. We are currently making proposals to our customers.
In addition, as the role of being the front line for customers, one of my duties is not only to make proposals, but also to listen to customers' requests for products and share them internally in a way that can be utilized in development.
Perspective and speed, as well as teamwork, are always required to advance the business, but it is a very attractive position where you can work with the speed of a startup in a company with a stable business like GLOBIS. I feel it's a great environment. -
What I want to achieve in my future career
In the short term, as a salesperson, I would like to become more involved in the development issues of the customer in front of me, and contribute to the creation of a "good Organization" for the customer. Beyond that, I would like to become a person who can lead Organization by believing in the potential of not only my own customers but also the members I work with, and by influencing them while supporting them.
Additionally, in the medium to long term, I would like to work as a specialist in the human resources field that interests me, and expand the range of approaches that can contribute to creating a better Organization.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to understand not only human resources in management, but also the connections between resources such as goods and money, and the established rules of management. By taking advantage of this, we hope to further accelerate our growth. -
Episodes that felt "GLOBIS-like"
One is that everyone believes in the members around them.
Immediately after passing the role play exam and starting to stand in front of customers in earnest as a salesperson, there was a time when I lost confidence in whether the proposals I was making were really for the customers. there was. At that time, the people around me, including my boss, completely believed that I could do it, which really supported me. My biggest source of growth was that I never lowered my expectations for myself, believed in myself, and continued to pursue my goals.
The second is that "professionals" are required. In order to stand in front of customers as a professional who solves training issues, it is necessary to have a professional mindset of bringing back something new each time. Even if a customer's inquiry is trivial, I feel that I am required to approach the customer with the stance of using all of GLOBIS 's knowledge to respond in accordance with the objective.
Message for those who are thinking about job change to GLOBIS
There are many people at GLOBIS who have a strong desire to grow, and although we tend to have the impression that there are many hard-working people, at the same time, we are actually a company that actively supports people in balancing work and family life. It's very easy to work.
Within the company, the priorities of 1) health, 2) family, and 3) work are clearly stated, and this has permeated Organization.
I myself joined GLOBIS the same year my first child was born, and now I am also a graduate student, so I'm a tripple-jobber while raising a child, working, and being a student.
I heartily recommend it to those who want to challenge their own potential, but are worried about whether they can balance it with family life.
We look forward to meeting you!