A company that fulfills the desire to create a society where adults can continue to learn as a matter of course.
Joined in 2020 / A. Hirose
- Previous job industry/work
- Advertising industry/sales representative, sales promotion

Previous job industry/work
My previous job was at an educational advertising company. After joining the company as a new graduate, I was in charge of sales for six years.
With higher education institutions as our customers, we planned, proposed, produced, and reformed public relations related to student recruitment, and supported study abroad projects. -
Why did you decide to join GLOBIS?
I wanted to create a society where adults can continue to learn as a matter of course," and I felt that this company could fulfill my wish.
While working at my previous job, I learned that it is common for adults, including graduates, to return to study at universities overseas. This was a shocking and fascinating option for me, as I had assumed that after graduating from college, one could only learn from experience.
So did I immediately consider the option of "learning" as a member of society? I thought, "I can't do that," and did nothing. I was working overtime all the time and couldn't find the time or energy to do so. I couldn't even think of investing in myself to pay for school. All I could think about was why I couldn't do it.
That's when I came across GLOBIS and the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University. I was impressed by the fact that they believe that working adults "can" learn, and that they are pioneering all kinds of methods and providing them as a service. GLOBIS I decided to join the company because I believe that they can provide an environment where adults can learn when they want to grow and can create a culture of learning for adults in Japan. -
Gap felt before and after joining GLOBIS
I belonged to the Faculty of Education at university and obtained a teacher's license, and my previous job was at an educational advertising company. I thought that many of the people working at the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University, like me, ended up here after a career related to education and school, but that was not the case at all. There was almost no homogeneity among employees, and I still vividly remember the shock of experiencing diversity first-hand.
People who have built up their careers in industries unrelated to education, people who were born and raised in different countries or speak different native languages, and people who have had such different experiences will help GLOBIS create an ecosystem of people, money, and knowledge related to management. The vision of Create and innovate society” and the educational philosophy of the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University “a place for Ability Development that fuses theory and practice, a place for building a lifelong human network, and a place for finding one’s own ambitions and way of life (career). ” and are moving forward in the same direction. It still feels strange. -
What is your current job?
Currently, I am in charge of recruiting students as a staff member of the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University.
This department is for those who are considering taking courses at the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University.
There are two main types of business. It is to think and carry out customer correspondence and planning such as e-mails and events. . In any case, is studying at the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University the best for that person? If you want to learn while thinking about it, I will do my best to support you so that you can start comfortably.
In terms of customer support, we hold "experience classes & briefing sessions" to get an idea of the class, resolve questions by email or phone, and provide one-on-one consultations. We will communicate directly with you and spend time with you thinking about your future career.
In my planning work, I work with the marketing department and the department in charge of students and alumni to think about how to convey the appeal of the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University, and how to get people who don't know GLOBIS to know about it. -
What I want to achieve in my future career
By increasing the number of adults who say, "I'm glad I studied at GLOBIS," I want to realize a "society where adults can continue to learn as a matter of course."
If you say, "I'm going to an MBA," they might say, "That's amazing," or, "You're great. You're doing your best."
If we live in a society where most adults, not just MBA, are learning something, I think that even if people are interested in what kind of learning they are doing, they won't say it's amazing. I would like to aim for such a society.
the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University is the largest MBA school in Japan. Every year, more and more students enter and graduate. At GLOBIS, I would like to encourage as many people as possible to take this course, and to send out as many adults as possible who continue to learn as a matter of course, in order to change society. -
Episodes that felt "GLOBIS-like"
I feel that the attitude of always valuing the future "from now on" is very GLOBIS.
For example, we continue to be asked questions in our daily work, such as "What should I do to better serve customers?", "Which direction do I want to grow?" .
Even when a mistake is made, everyone involved thinks about "how to recover" and "how to prevent it from happening in the future based on the cause of the mistake", and quickly handles it for the future. To go.
I think that the frontier spirit, the attitude of continuing to move forward, and the stance of continuing to do new things is what makes GLOBIS unique.
Message for those who are thinking about job change to GLOBIS
GLOBIS provides not only graduate school but also various learning services comprehensively. If you are interested in adult education, every day at GLOBIS, a leading company, should be very exciting and interesting. We are looking forward to the day we can join you!
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