The desire to "strengthen people and Organization through training and contribute to the growth of the company"
Joined in 2015 /Y.Imanishi
- Previous job industry/work
- Recruiting Industry/Sales Assistant

Previous job industry/work
At a headhunting company specializing in IT ventures with about 10 employees, I worked as a sales assistant to support the hiring of client companies.
My main job is to clarify the human resource requirements of client companies, research job seekers who meet the human resource requirements on career change sites, and help job seekers to make appointments with headhunters. It was to create a scout email that resonates with.
At the same time, I was also entrusted with direct recruiting work for client companies, and engaged in matching work between companies and job seekers. -
Why did you decide to join GLOBIS?
I thought that if I worked at GLOBIS, I could overcome the conflicts and contradictions I had in my previous job and realize my desire to "contribute to the growth of people and Organization ".
At my previous job, I was happy and rewarded to think that I could accelerate the growth of companies by providing recruitment support, but at the same time, I had doubts about whether I could provide happy recruitment support for both client companies and job seekers. However, at the same time, I had my doubts about whether we were providing happy recruiting support to both clients and job seekers, because there were often times when we had to encourage job seekers to change jobs in order to achieve our own sales.
In the midst of my doubts and conflicts, I developed a desire to contribute to the growth of the company by strengthening people and Organization through training. I also wanted to work with customers not as a sales assistant, but as a salesperson and commit to results.
During my job search, I decided to join GLOBIS because I truly empathized with the company's vision of contributing to Japanese society by producing as many aspiring creators and reformers as possible. -
Gap felt before and after joining GLOBIS
In a good way, there were many people who were "interested in people, meddlesome and heartful".
Before joining the company, I had the prejudice that there were many smart but cold people who worked hard to improve themselves and pursue professionalism from the image of an MBA and the job of a consultant, but I was wrong.
It is true that they have a high level of professionalism, face their work with sincerity and strive to produce results, but even GLOBIS Corporate Education has not turned into a private store. The idea of sharing each other's knowledge and experience and working to maximize the value provided to customers throughout Organization has taken root. Regardless of whether they were inside or outside the team, they were not averse to spending their own time and effort on discussions and proposals by members, and rather welcomed them.
Since our business is to support the development of client companies, I feel that the idea that we should be Organization that can naturally develop them is pervasive throughout Organization. -
What is your current job?
Since joining the company in 2015, I have been in the corporate sales department.
During the four years since I joined the company, I have been proposing solutions to the development issues of client companies. Specifically, my job is to sort out and identify the issues that the client company needs to address in order to produce results, and then propose ways in which GLOBIS can support development, keeping in mind the strategies and goals that the client wants to achieve. is.
Since 2020, I have been entrusted with the management of about 10 members as the leader of the sales team.
As the external environment changes, the matters to be consulted by customers are becoming more diverse and complex. First of all, I want to improve my own skills and abilities.” Because all the members are motivated to grow, the leader work is both “rewarding” and “rewarding.” -
What I want to achieve in my future career
In order to contribute to solving the problems of as many client companies as possible, I would like to work on developing an environment where autonomous members can work energetically and happily, as well as facing the development of team members.
In addition, since 2018, I have been in charge of hiring in my own department, so I have repeated trial and error to find and solve problems in hiring, and have created a situation where I can always hire the human resources that GLOBIS Corporate Education needs. I think
In addition, from 2022, I will be working as a training instructor, so I would like to make efforts to deliver enjoyable and beneficial learning to as many students as possible.
Contribute to client companies through GLOBIS services Organization and make GLOBIS an even more rewarding Organization than it is today. Pursuing breadth and depth is the career I want to realize in the near future. -
Episodes that felt "GLOBIS-like"
In my opinion, what makes GLOBIS unique is the ability to "think about things altruistically rather than selfishly," when dealing with society, companies, and people. From my point of view, what is impressive and unforgettable is the seniors who generously shared their wisdom and time for me.
In my first year after joining the company, I was put in a critical situation where I had only five business days to submit a proposal, with a highly difficult theme of training the next generation of managers, a competition with seven companies.
At that time, I didn't have the experience or the knowledge and skills to make proposals for training the next generation of managers, so I was at a loss as to where to start.
At that time, a senior member of another team unconditionally spent hours with Brest for me and for the customer I was in charge of. Even if they supported me and received an order, they did their best to follow up without asking for anything in return, even though there was no impact on their numbers or the numbers of the team.
Message for those who are thinking about job change to GLOBIS
Organization development and human GLOBIS development are complex tasks GLOBIS and there is no single correct answer. I am confident that this is an environment where I can grow. Although I have no experience in sales, I achieved a certain level of results as a GLOBIS, and I was entrusted with team management and teaching. Because there is We would like to invite people who share the vision and philosophy of GLOBIS and who have a passion to work at GLOBIS to join us. I look forward to the day when I can work with such a person.
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