BtoB Marketing
BtoB Marketing Division
Build trusting relationships between companies and Globis, and promote corporate innovation and change.

Marketing Department
Responsible for marketing and inside sales activities for all services in Globis's business for corporate clients (toB), building relationships of trust between companies and Globis, and promoting corporate creation and transformation.About department
We are responsible for formulating strategies for corporate marketing in general, as well as lead generation, lead nurturing, lead qualification, and product marketing.
Specifically, we provide a range of activities, including in-house training (dispatched instructors), school-based training (management school, executive school), e-learning training (GLOBIS Manabihoudai, eMBA, GLOBIS Unlimited), assessment tests (GMAP), market research for the learning management system (GLOPLA LMS), advertising (online and offline), social media, seminars and events (in-house and external), email, the web (website construction, operation, SEO, content creation), and inside sales, and the business opportunities we generate are then handed over to our sales consultants.
Medium- to long-term vision
Globis's corporate (toB) business provides human resource development services to approximately 3,300 companies per year (with approximately 440,000 participants per year), providing support to a wide range of companies, from leading domestic and international corporations (the adoption rate among companies listed on the Nikkei average is approximately 88%) to small and medium-sized enterprises and venture companies.
In terms of concrete achievements (as of the end of March 2023), the number of students attending the management school is 11,266 per year, the number of students attending the executive school is 4,009 per year, the cumulative number of GLOBIS Manabihoudai student IDs is approximately 1 million, the cumulative number of companies that have adopted the service is 3,700, and the cumulative number of students attending the assessment test (GMAP) is approximately 680,000.
Through our activities, we aim to promote creativity and change in as many companies and employees as possible, and to continue to open up possibilities for society, organizations, and individuals. As a "company whose core business is social contribution" that is committed to contributing to society through business, we will continue to work hard to make Japan and the world a better place.
Division characteristics
We have gathered professionals with a wide range of expertise in the branding and marketing fields, including PR, digital marketing, social media management, web development, design, video planning and editing, and text article writing.
In addition, we assign tasks, develop training, and transfer between teams through careful dialogue based on the career aspirations of our members. We encourage career development that goes beyond being an expert in marketing strategies, and we work to develop BtoB marketers and inside sales who can work beyond the boundaries of organizations and companies.
Interdepartmental collaboration/
We work across departments, including product development, sales, consulting, operations, and customer success, to develop and execute go-to-market (GTM) strategies, marketing strategies, and marketing operations (MOps) in a data-driven manner.
In addition, going beyond the boundaries of marketing and inside sales, Globis aims to achieve sustainable growth in its corporate business by promoting the integration and optimization of the marketing, inside sales, sales, and customer success processes and data for all services in its business for corporate customers (toB).