Believe in possibilities and aim for self-actualization
A supportive environment for staff

Ability Development

Ability Development support

Growth support by Onboarding supporters when joining the company

The Onboarding supporter in charge will support Onboarding not only on OJT but also as a daily consultant.

Business training system

We will support the tuition fee when employees take external curriculums, etc. for the purpose of acquiring the abilities and skills required for work.

GLOBIS Manabihoudai / GLOBIS Unlimited enrollment support

We support you to take an e-learning service that allows you to learn the business knowledge owned by GLOBIS, from basics to applications, anytime, anywhere.

GLOBIS Management School Single Course/ nano-MBA /Regular Course Support

A certain amount of tuition fees will be subsidized when taking a program the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University or GLOBIS Management School.

There is selection. If the program is not completed, the support amount must be refunded / For graduate school, the support amount must be refunded if the student retires during school or less than two years after completing the program.

Japanese Language Learning Special Support System

For foreign contract employees (those who did not meet the language requirements for full-time employment), we support Japanese language exams and Japanese language learning programs as support for Japanese language acquisition.

Various in-house study sessions

You can also participate in various internal voluntary study groups held by Faculty Group (the group in charge of content development and research) and other groups.
(Conducted on a variety of topics including management and tech-related topics, such as AI, etc.)

Short-term study abroad program

In order to systematically encourage GLOBIS employees to broaden their global perspectives, strengthen their communication skills in English, and acquire the latest knowledge, we will support their participation in Organization-related and Technovate-related programs sponsored by top universities and graduate schools around the world. .

There is selection. If you do not complete the program, or if you retire while you are still in school or within two years after completing the program, you must return the support money.

Liberal arts training dispatch system (Aspen Institute)

In order to consider the education and human power of a leader, we offer training to learn from the classics at the Aspen Institute, a representative liberal arts educational institution, through an open recruitment system.

Self-development support system

We will support 50% of the tuition fee (up to 200,000 yen per year) if the content of the course, such as language study or coaching, is beneficial for both the individual and GLOBIS.

Outside field knowledge acquisition system

For the purpose of actively acquiring "on-site knowledge" outside the company, we encourage employees to assume or engage in business activities in other companies' officers (outside directors, auditors), consultants, advisors, and specialized fields (operations, FG research activities)  within the scope of normal business.

Sabbatical leave

This is a special paid leave that can be used according to the length of employment for employees who have been employed for a certain period of time for the purpose of promoting self-growth and learning, and fostering a global perspective.

Manager/team leader training

We provide training for newly appointed team leaders and managers to help them understand what is required of GLOBIS management and acquire the knowledge necessary to manage a team.

Technovate training

In order to understand GLOBIS 's important strategic policy, "Technovate," we hold sessions to help you understand and experience the concept of problem solving using computers, which is the premise of it. * Technovate: A coined word combining technology and innovation.

Book review session

Using books designated by the company as the subject matter, we conduct company-wide efforts to foster self-improvement and a shared understanding of the company through dialogue between participants.

Employee voice

I participated in the liberal arts training because I wanted to broaden my capabilities as a leader and use it as a guideline to continue thinking so that I can make better decisions with confidence! It was an opportunity to reconsider myself, my Organization, human values, and principles.

GLOBIS Digital Platform

I used my sabbatical to take a strength coaching course. I would like to make use of this experience not only to promote self-understanding and understanding of other companies, but also to improve work performance and Team Building.

GLOBIS Management School

Career Trajectory

Career related information

Transfer request system

This is a system that allows GLOBIS members to independently think about their own career development and apply for a transfer as an opportunity to challenge themselves.

Job posting system

This is a system in which GLOBIS members can apply for publicly announced positions as an opportunity to independently think about building their own careers and take on challenges.

Cross-department mentor system

In addition to the direct leader, it is a system that allows you to receive support from a mentor of your choice, regardless of whether it is inside or outside the department. The purpose of use is not limited to careers, it can be used according to your own purpose.

Employee voice

I used the transfer request system due to changes in my career and my thoughts on work. By transferring, I have broadened my view of the business and Organization, and my awareness of contributing to the company as a whole has increased. The acceptance of the transfer and the system are solid, and it has been a good career expansion.

GLOBIS Management School → GLOBIS Corporate Education

I asked a total of 4 people inside and outside the department to be my mentors. I was able to face myself again by talking about my daily concerns and worries.

GLOBIS Corporate Education

Capacity related information

Multifaceted career
There are four Capacity according to the expected role and career.

Business jobs
(Expert’s Expected Role・Professional’s Expected Role)

There are two Capacity types in business jobs: Professional’s Expected Role and Expert’s Expected Role.
・ Expert’s Expected Role: A career that enhances expertise in business-related work.
・ Professional’s Expected Role: In addition to specialization in business, eventually it is required to be involved in Organization management. In addition, the candidate will be required to engage in "educational work (development of educational content and speaking as a lecturer)" involved in the dissemination of management knowledge in the course of career development. (*Therefore, it is assumed that you will obtain a master's degree before or after joining the company.)

Business-related jobs (Expert’s Expected Role / Professional’s Expected Role)
Technology's Expected Role

Technology’s Expected Role perform their responsibilities by demonstrating their expertise in cutting-edge digital technologies that are important to the company. Engineers, designers, data scientists, etc. are hired as Technology’s Expected Role. In your career development, you can choose to develop your technical expertise or develop a career in management while still being technically based.
*For those Technology’s Expected Role, obtaining a master's degree, joining a faculty group, and speaking as a lecturer are optional.

Technology's Expected Role
Faculty’s Expected Role

A career with a main mission in education and research. It also takes on the role of leading the research Faculty Group.

Faculty Group

It is a system that allows you to acquire know-how in a wide range of fields by being involved in research and development while being in charge of regular work.
Professional’s Expected Role belong to Faculty Group and conduct research and development activities in a task force style while performing normal line work.

Faculty Group